Varning för pinsamma bilder
Kategori: DAILY

Att gå igenom fotoalbum från några år tillbaka är ju alltid roligt men jag blir lite rädd för mig själv. Vad höll jag på med? Ovan är några av de lite mindre pinsamma bilderna, men jag lovar er att det finns mycket mer och mycket värre att hitta. Jag kommer ihåg att jag alltid använde brunkräm på mig, kunde inte gå ut utan det. Levde i mina mjukisbyxor hela årskurs 9, hade dom hängandes lågt på arslet och instoppade i raggsockorna skulle dom också vara. Sprang runt i skolan i detta, för inte kunde man använda skor då heller. Plattade håret för jämnan och skulle ha den största bullen jag kunde få till på huvudet. Och för att inte komma Idominet på läpparna! Jag undrar hur folk såg på mig då. Jag vet ju hur jag själv ser på tjejerna som gör/har så nu. Herregud. Skäms.
Looking through photo albums from a few years back is always fun but I have to admit, I'm scared of myself. What was I doing? Above are a few of the not so embarrassing pictures but I promise you, there are much more embarrassing photos where these came from. I remember that I always used a lot of makeup, I couldn't go out without it. I practically lived in my sweat pants during 9th grade, had the hanging low on my hips and tucked in socks. I ran around school with this, with no shoes on. I straightened my hair all the time and wasn't satisfied until I had the biggest bun I could manage on my head. And let's not forget the shit I used on my lips. I wonder how people looked at me then. I mean, I know how I look at the girls who look like this now. Oh my God.
Looking through photo albums from a few years back is always fun but I have to admit, I'm scared of myself. What was I doing? Above are a few of the not so embarrassing pictures but I promise you, there are much more embarrassing photos where these came from. I remember that I always used a lot of makeup, I couldn't go out without it. I practically lived in my sweat pants during 9th grade, had the hanging low on my hips and tucked in socks. I ran around school with this, with no shoes on. I straightened my hair all the time and wasn't satisfied until I had the biggest bun I could manage on my head. And let's not forget the shit I used on my lips. I wonder how people looked at me then. I mean, I know how I look at the girls who look like this now. Oh my God.